{S:X;X;0;0;The Document Window{ITR-X}by Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;1;Keywords:{ITT-X}Window ZLine Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;2;Document Windows{ITR-X}{ITR-X}This [ReadMe] file is a document I have created using Fireworkz. If you load it into Resultz you will find it looks different from the way in which it looks in Wordz\\\; the most obvious difference is that Resultz has an extra button bar. The second difference you should notice is that, at the top of the window, you will find the name of the package into which the file has been loaded (Resultz). The package name is followed by the full path name of the file, [Resultz: adfs::ZL9309.$.Documents.ReadMe], or something similar. This top line complies with Acorn\’s recommendations for RISC OS windows. The third difference is that this Wordz window has a top ruler and, immediately below the ruler, is the line showing the paragraph margins and tab stops.}
{S:X;X;0;3;If, when you load [ZLSheet], it does not have two button bars then check whether the application name in the top line is Resultz, Wordz (or even Fireworkz). If the application name shows Wordz then remove [ZLSheet] from the screen, load Resultz (or Fireworkz) onto the icon bar and drag the file [ZLSheet] over the installed icon. You need either the full version of Resultz or at least the Resultz demo disc in order to see the second button bar of [ZLSheet]. If you don\’t have Resultz (or the demo disc) then Resultz files will, by default, load into Wordz (version 1.04 onwards). If your version of Wordz is earlier than Version 1.05 then you can not load Resultz files into Wordz.}
{S:X;X;0;4;Version 1.05 of Wordz is available now.}
{S:X;X;0;5;When you install the version of Fireworkz which contains both Wordz and Resultz on your system you will find that the Fireworkz window contains two button bars (like Resultz) but it will also contain features of Wordz such as the top ruler and the line which contains the tab stops and paragraph margins. Files created in both Wordz and Resultz will load into Fireworkz and you will find that you can use all the features of both Wordz and Resultz within the one document.}
{S:X;X;0;6;Fireworks is available now and it will be sent free of charge to all users who have registered both Wordz and Resultz with Colton Software.}
{S:X;X;0;7;The Resultz Window{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Let us concentrate on the appearance of the file [ZLSheet] when it has been loaded into a working version of Resultz (rather than into Wordz or Fireworkz).}
{S:X;X;0;8;Below the package and file name, in what I shall call the \‘Resultz button bar\’, from left to right, are buttons for Fill down, Fill Right, Auto sum, Function selector (the italic f), Cancel formula (a cross which appears red when active), Enter formula (a \‘green\’ tick) and the Formula line (into which you can enter formula, values or even text).}
{S:X;X;0;9;Below the Resultz button bar you will find what I shall loosely call the \‘Wordz button bar\’, and below that the Status line. If you run the pointer across the buttons then, in the Status line, you will see helpful messages naming the buttons and giving a reminder of what they do.}
{S:X;X;0;10;Below the Status line you will see the row of column headings such as a b c etc.}
{S:X;X;0;11;Choices{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Move the pointer over the Resultz icon which is on the icon bar and tap the mouse menu (middle) button and a Choices window will open similar to that shown below.}
{S:X;X;0;20;If you have RISC OS 2 (ie not RISC OS 3) then you will find that you do not get a Kerning option. A description of Kerning is given in the Fonts02 directory.}
{S:X;X;0;21;AutoSave{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Resultz (and Wordz) auto save does not give you any warning. You do not get a choice about whether to Save or not. If you make a serious mistake and want to go back to a previously saved configuration then I\’m sure that Sod\’s Law will ensure that you will auto save the \‘rubbish\’ condition of your document just before you have a chance to delete the rubbish and reload the \‘good\’ version. An Auto save time of 0 switches auto save OFF.}
{S:X;X;0;22;Recalculation{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Generally you will want both Automatic and Background recalculation enabled as they are in the above screenshot. Yes, I know that foreground recalculation (Background switched OFF) will be faster, but you won\’t be able to use the machine to input any data until each calculation is complete. If you set Automatic OFF then you will have to use the menu command Extra \– Recalculate to initiate every new recalculation. Only in special circumstances will you ever want Automatic or Background OFF.}
{S:X;X;0;23;Status Line{ITR-X}{ITR-X}If you turn off the Status line then you may save some screen space but you will lose all the helpful messages. I suggest that, until you are familiar with Resultz that you leave the Status line ON. Later, when you know all the messages off by heart, then you can turn it off.}
{S:X;X;0;24;Display Pictures{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Generally you will want to display your pictures (sprite and draw files), however, if you have an intricate picture then you may find that it takes \‘too long\’ to draw on screen. If you have many pictures, for example a set of eighteen disc labels on one sheet, then you may find it useful to turn of the display, turning it back on again when you have finished.}
{S:X;X;0;25;Embed Pictures{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Robert Macmillan and I have agreed to differ over the \‘best\’ default though we both agree that some will prefer their pictures \‘embedded\’ and others will prefer them to be \‘referenced\’. In this directory the picture [Screen1] is referenced. What that means is that this [ReadMe] file \‘calls up\’ the picture from the disc when the file is loaded. There has to be a file called [Screen1] on the disc, and preferably in the same directory as this [ReadMe] file.}
{S:X;X;0;26;The alternative to \‘referencing\’ a picture is to \‘embed\’ it within the text file so that it forms part of the file. In the case of embedded pictures there is no need to include the picture separately on your disc because it is contained within the file.}
{S:X;X;0;27;I believe that pictures which form part of a letter heading should be referenced so that, when you Save your letters you do not keep saving the large letter heading file. A more obvious case for using referenced pictures is when you use the same picture many times within the same document. An example of such multiple use of a picture is a company logo repeated many times on a page of labels.}
{S:X;X;0;28;If you send a document on a disc to someone else then you may find it \‘safer\’ to embed the picture in the document so that you can be sure they have it!}
{S:X;X;0;29;What is Saved with the Document{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Everything about a document (which is not determined by one of the Choices) is saved with the file. This includes all the View control parameters (click on the button which looks like a pair of spectacles), whether the margins are displayed, the scale, the position on the screen, the paper size and the position of the \‘input focus\’ (where the caret is). I keep forgetting that the caret position is saved with the document. What I have tried to do for you is to position the caret at the top of the file before saving the file for the last time.}
{S:X;X;0;30;The fact that the paper size and the paper margins are saved with the document may cause some of you problems with these [ReadMe] files. What I have tried to do is to ensure that the margins I have allowed are sufficient to avoid text being \‘lost\’ if your physical printer margins are much larger than those of my printer.}
{S:X;X;0;42;Some of you may have set your RISC OS 3 configuration so that windows are allowed to move off screen to the right and upwards. If so, and if you use a \‘narrow\’ and \‘shallow\’ screen mode (such as mode 12), then you may find that the [ReadMe] files are partly off screen to the right. Although there are many ways around this problem, the one I suggest is to set up your Window manager options as shown in the screen shot above.}
{S:X;X;0;43;Template Files{ITR-X}{ITR-X}The easiest way of starting a new document is to use a template file. Although these can be held in any directory, the directory !Resultz.User.Templates has been provided by Colton Software specifically for this purpose. The sub menu File \– Save template will save your template in the !Resultz.User.Templates directory. On this disc in the Templates directory you will find most of the templates which I have used for the documents on this disc and which I would like you to use if you send in a contribution for inclusion on one of the ZLine discs.}
{S:X;X;0;44;For many of the tutorials on this disc where you have to build up a document from nothing I have included a suitable template for you to use as a starting point.}